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Every five years Transportation and Parking develops a new plan to generate the revenue necessary to cover expenses, including:

  • The cost of Chapel Hill Transit and other regional access for commuters
  • Technology and other service improvements that support campus safety and sustainability, reduce cost and increase revenue
  • Enhancements, like a new bike sharing program and a parking access revenue control system for improved operations

Nationally recognized consultants, Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc., provided guidance and analysis for the Transportation and Parking Five-Year Plan, while the campus-wide representatives on the Advisory Committee on Transportation and Parking (ACT) provided input during the year-long planning process. ACT members and other campus community members will continue to be involved in discussions about implementation plans and progress over the next five years.

What Does the Five-Year Plan fund?

The plan accounts for future growth and obligations that require new revenue, including the University’s share of the cost of offering:

  • Fare-free service to Chapel Hill Transit riders
  • Subsidies for regional transit and vanpools
  • Operating Point-to-Point (P2P) services
  • Inflation obligations
  • Payments for 400-800 space parking deck for patients and visitors
  • Campus enhancements, such as LED lighting, a bike share program and an operations management system

What Changes Are In This Five-Year Plan?

  • Daytime permits increase first three years of the plan.
  • Student transportation fee increases for fare-free local and regional transit for first two years of plan.
  • A weeknight parking program will begin fall 2019.
  • North campus hourly parking lots and meters increase first year of the plan.
  • A number of campus and parking enhancements will be implemented.

Complete Changes

LED Lighting

Reduce maintenance and utility costs by adopting more sustainable LED lighting in parking decks around campus. Transitioning to LED lighting will increase the safety and security for employees, students, and visitors.

Planned Implementation: 2018-19 to 2021-22

  • Rams Head Parking Deck
  • Jackson Circle Parking Deck
  • Cobb Parking Deck
  • Business School Parking Deck

An update to the Parking Access Revenue Control Systems (PARCS), which will help lower operating costs and increase overall parking reliability.

Planned Implementation: 2017-18 to 2019-20

Bike Share Program

A convenient system for alternate transportation that will reduce on-campus carbon emissions and parking demands.

TransLoc (P2P)

Increase efficiency and safety by reducing wait times with the new P2P on-demand reservations system through TransLoc smart phone app.

Planned Implementation: 2017-18 to 2021-22


Web-based CampusBird mapping technology for parking and transportation, including construction and event management.

Planned Implementation: 2016-17

Starting August 2019, parking on campus during weeknights will require a credential. Daytime permit holders and paying visitors have historically subsidized the overall cost of the parking system and a portion of the transit cost. The Weeknight Parking Program is part of the funding strategy for the Transportation and Parking Five-Year Plan. The Advisory Committee for Transportation (ACT) works with Transportation and Parking to develop a balanced funding approach to support the system that considers impacts to all user groups.

General Program Information
  • Daytime and park-and-ride permits will be honored on weeknights on campus. No further action or fee required
  • Weeknight parking hours are Monday through Thursday, 5 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.
  • Weeknight parking will be available in most campus lots throughout campus on a first-come, first-served basis with a valid credential
  • Weekend parking on campus will not require a permit
  • Weeknight Parking map
  • Weeknight Parking Outreach and Implementation

Students (excluding first-year undergraduate students) will be eligible for a weeknight parking permit. First-year undergraduate students are exempt from the weeknight parking fee and are not eligible for a permit.

Student Weeknight Parking Permit Pricing
Pricing for Students for Five-Year Plan FY19/20 FY20/21 FY21/22
Fees $6/yr

Student daytime permits are honored during weeknights; no additional action or fee required. Students without a daytime permit will be able to register online in July for a weeknight parking permit at no additional fee. Permits can be mailed directly to home addresses.


Employees whose work schedule is between 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. (Monday – Thursday) may purchase a weeknight parking permit based on the sliding salary scale.

Employee Weeknight Parking Permit Pricing
Salary Scale FY19/20 Permit Price FY20/21 Permit Price
<$29k $234 ($9.08/bi-weekly) $234 ($9.08/bi-weekly)
$29K-$50K $259 ($9.96/bi-weekly) $259 ($9.96/bi-weekly)
$50K-$100K $311 ($11.96/bi-weekly) $311 ($11.96/bi-weekly)
>$100K $402 ($15.45/bi-weekly) $402 ($15.45/bi-weekly)
Daytime CAP $25 (annually) $25 (annually)

Employee daytime permits are honored during weeknights; no additional action or fee required. Employees who commute (bus, vanpool, carpool, bike walk) to campus between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and do not purchase a daytime permit and return frequently to campus may purchase an annual $25 weeknight permit.


Visitors will need a credential to park on campus or may use conveniently located stations throughout campus or the Parkmobile app for online or mobile pay options.

  • $1 one-night temporary pass available in designated lots throughout campus
  • Hourly Parking
    • $1.50 per hour for South Campus
    • $1.75 per hour for North and Mid campus
    • $1.75 per hour meters located throughout campus
Weeknight Parking Working Group

The Weeknight Parking Working Group is made up of UNC-Chapel Hill and Town of Chapel Hill representatives that are charged with developing the program’s implementation. For more information, please visit the Weeknight Parking Working Group.

Late Night Travel
Fee Changes
Fee Increases FY17/18 FY18/19 FY19/20 FY20/21 FY21/22
Annual Daytime Permit Increases1,2
1% = $0.12 to $0.88 / bi-weekly period
+1% +1% +1%
Department Transportation Fee Increases3
Student Transportation Fee Increases
Local/Regional Component
+$5.44/yr (3.5%) +$5.64/yr (3.5%)
Student Transportation Fee Increases
Weeknight Parking Component
(Overall Rate)
Weeknight Parking – Employee Permit $234-402/yr $234-402/yr $234-402/yr
Weeknight Parking – Visitor Parking4 Y Y Y
North Campus & Meters
Hourly Rate Increases (Overall rate)






  1. Parking Permit Wage Scale revises the lowest salary range from $25K to $29K
  2. Parking subsidy set at $800K/yr (reduced from $1M in FY16/17)
  3. No planned increases to healthcare patient/visitor rates (Dogwood, ACC, Hospital ADA)
The Five-Year Plan has four main guiding principles that encourage Transportation and Parking to reduce the current parking subsidy for transit services and develop a more equitable balance of the cost of the Transportation and Parking System to all users of the System.


Provide adequate and safe access for all who need to come to campus.


Encourage sustainable multimodal transportation options for all users of the system.


Support the university-wide facilities master planning effort to create a comprehensive framework for development of the physical campus.


Transportation and parking operations will remain solely self-funded and receipt-supported.

Supporting Practices

  1. Maintain adequate on-campus parking for visitors and patients.
  2. Maintain commitment to partnership with the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro in the operation of the Chapel Hill Transit fare-free system.
  3. Maintain commitment to promote use of GoTriangle and other regional transit options for access to the main campus.
  4. Reduce the current parking subsidy for transit services.
  5. Develop a more equitable balance of the cost of the Transportation and Parking System to all users of the System.

The Advisory Committee on Transportation and Parking (ACT) uses the guiding principles and supporting practices to shape the Five Year Plan Recommendations.

When will the new Transportation and Parking Five-Year Plan launch?
The Five-Year Plan began 2017-2018. The third year of the Plan phases in the weeknight parking program in fiscal year 2019-20. The Weeknight Parking Working Group was implemented in November 2017 to assist in developing policy and procedures that will shape the program. The work group will meet throughout the academic year.
Where can I find a copy of the Five-Year Plan Final Report?
View the 2017-2022 Five-Year Plan Final Report.
Why is a Weeknight Parking payment program being introduced as part of the Five-Year Plan?
For decades, daytime parking permit holders and visitors paying parking fees in decks or surface lots have subsidized overall transportation and parking services on campus. People who come to campus at night have parked for free. The Five Year Plan phases in weeknight parking permit and visitor fees in fiscal year 2019-20 to fairly address the historic equity concerns that have been raised. We have two years to work out the details of implementation in a way that will provide reasonable access to the campus while also remaining true to the plan principle that all users should contribute to the transportation and parking system.
When will the Weeknight Parking program be launched?
The Five-Year Plan phases in weeknight parking permit and visitor fees in fiscal year 2019-20.
Is safety being considered as part of the Weeknight Parking program?
The University offers a long list of services that help enhance safety, including Point-to-Point (P2P) Express; LiveSafe, a new safety resource app launched in fall 2016 to provide discreet two-way communications with public safety officials and allow family and friends to virtually watch a user walk from one location to another; emergency phones and call boxes; a pedestrian-friendly lighted corridor through the center of campus; and SafeWalk, a Student Government initiative to increase nighttime safety for students, faculty and staff offering free walks Sunday through Thursday from 11 p.m. until 3 a.m. Learn more about these programs and other safety initiatives on campus at Carolina Ready.
What is the purpose of the Weeknight Parking Working Group?
The Weeknight Parking Working Group discusses implementation and hears feedback about the roll out of the program. The group will provide reports, presentations and recommendations to the Advisory Committee on Transportation and Parking and the Executive Sponsor Group to collect campus-wide perspective on the implementation.

The Five-Year Plan lays out the general structure of the Weeknight Parking Program, and the Transportation and Parking department works collaboratively with campus and town representatives to ensure community perspective is taken into consideration. The working group creates an opportunity for feedback and discussion on issues relative to the Weeknight Parking Program to evaluate all user group perspectives.

Who do I contact if I have concerns about Weeknight Parking?
Weeknight parking is being implemented as an equitable funding strategy for Transportation and Parking. You can find more information about which organizations are represented in the Working Group from ACT members contact.