Hibbard Drive
Limits: Mason Farm Road to Manning Drive

Purpose of Improvements
This connection would improve north-south connectivity along the east edge of the Hospital Campus.
Existing Conditions
- There is approximately a 26-foot curb to curb width.
- There are no existing bicycle accommodations.
- A 6-foot sidewalk alternates sides
- 20-foot perpendicular parking alternate sides of the road.
- The steep grade is a significant barrier for bicyclists.
- This roadway is maintained by UNC-CH.
Short-Term Recommendation
Climbing Lane
Stripe a 6-foot wide northbound bicycle climbing lane by narrowing travel lanes to 10 or 10.5 feet. Place shared lane markings in the center of the southbound curb lane with BICYCLES MAY USE FULL LANE signs.
Primary Implementation Challenges: narrowing travel lanes, coordination with the Town
Probable Construction Cost: $39,690
Long-Term Recommendation
Bicycle Lanes with Road Widening
As part of a roadway reconstruction project and/or future campus redevelopment in this area, widen roadway to provide bicycle lanes in both directions with continuous sidewalks.
Primary Implementation Challenges: narrowing travel lanes, coordination with the Town
Probable Construction Cost: $1,197,030