McCauley Street
Purpose of Improvements
This connection would complete the bicycle network and improve east-west connectivity between Pittsboro Street and South Road.
Existing Conditions
- There is approximately 33 feet between the curbs.
- Approximately 8,000 vehicles use this street daily, at 25 miles per hour speed limit.
- There are no existing bicycle accommodations.
- There are 10-foot wide sidewalks on both sides with a high volume of pedestrian use.
- Steep roadway grade westbound presents a significant barrier for bicyclists.
- This roadway is maintained by the Town of Chapel Hill.
Short-Term Recommendation
Shared Lane Markings
Add shared lane markings in the center of the outside lanes with BICYCLES MAY USE FULL LANE signs.
Primary Implementation Challenges: none
Probable Construction Cost: $1,930
Long-Term Recommendation Options
Further study will be required to select one of the following options.
Cycle Track
As part of a roadway widening or reconstruction project, add a two-way cycle track to the north side of the roadway.
Primary Implementation Challenges: requires relocation of retaining wall and construction outside of existing right-of-way on UNC-CH property. Should only be pursued if cycle tracks are developed on South Road and South Columbia Road.
Probable Construction Cost: $190,910
Bicycle Lanes
As part of a roadway widening or reconstruction project, add 6-foot bicycle lanes to both sides of the roadway.
Primary Implementation Challenges: requires relocation of retaining wall and construction outside of existing right-of-way on UNC-CH property.
Probable Construction Cost: $399,010