Appendix F: Program, Policy and Implementation Recommendations
These tables present summary descriptions and estimated levels of priority and effort associated with all recommendations in the Plan.
Action Item | Description | Responsibility | Priority | Ease of implementation | Outcome(s) |
Create bicycle parking policy | To include: ratios of parking supply for building types, equipment specifications, parking type requirements. | DPS; Facilities Planning | Medium | Hard | Ensured end-of-trip facilities; lower theft rates |
Add bike parking near the Pit | Address critical need in this over-parked area to avoid riders locking bikes to benches, railings, trees, etc. | Facilities Planning | High | Medium | Ensured end-of-trip facilities |
Survey indoor bicycle parking opportunities | Conduct comprehensive building survey of available indoor parking opportunities | Student intern; Facilities Planning; DPS | Low | Hard | Improved end-of-trip facilities; lower theft rates |
Pilot project for indoor bicycle parking opportunities | Conduct pilot project with a selected building to review available indoor parking opportunities | DPS | Low | Medium | Improved end-of-trip facilities; expansion to additional buildings if successful |
Assess bicycle parking opportunities in decks | Evaluate all campus parking decks to find space where bicycle parking can be installed; evaluate space possibilities for secured (cage) parking facilities | DPS; Facilities Planning | Medium | Medium | Improved end-of-trip facilities; increased park-and-walk behavior |
Offer valet bicycle parking at large events | Staff a bicycle parking area with student employees at large sport or concert events | DPS; Athletics | Low | Medium | Improved end-of-trip facilities; building bicycle culture |
Revise abandoned bicycle policy and procedure | Revise policy to clear racks more often than once per year | DPS | High | Medium | Ensured end-of-trip facilities |
Action Item | Description | Responsibility | Priority | Ease of implementation | Outcome(s) |
Provide shower access | Short-term, allow registered bike commuters access to campus recreation building showers; long-term study shower usage and possibly incorporate into more new/existing buildings | Facilities Planning; Campus Recreation | Low | Easy/hard | Improved end-of- trip facilities |
Evaluate on-campus maintenance and repair options | Convene student-driven group to determine whether there is sufficient interest in adding a bike shop to campus and what kind of format it should have | Bicycle coordinator; Carolina Bicycle Coalition | Low | Medium | Building bicycle culture; ensure safe equipment |
Install at least one repair station on campus | Provide opportunity for students to do their own minor repairs to bicycles on campus | Bicycle coordinator | Medium | Easy | Building bicycle culture |
Action Item | Description | Responsibility | Priority | Ease of implementation | Outcome(s) |
Create marketing campaign to promote respect | Use multiple types of media to reach out to campus community. Messages emphasize understanding and respect for other road/pathway users. | Bicycle coordinator; DPS; Carolina Bicycle Coalition | High | Medium | Safer bike-automobile and bike-pedestrian interactions |
Build a Bicycle Ambassadors program (consider partnering with Town) | Recruit students, faculty and staff to be ambassadors for bicycling and to model correct bicycling behavior every time they ride. | Bicycle coordinator; Carolina Bicycle Coalition | Low | Easy | Building bicycle culture; providing role models |
Offer bicycle education classes | Offer League Cycling Instructor led classes on a regular basis, available to students, staff and faculty. Teach bicycle handling skills and rules/rights of the road. | Bicycle coordinator; CAP; Campus Recreation; Lifetime Fitness Department | High | Easy | Better educated bicyclists; safer bicyclist behavior |
Include bicycle safety in new student orientation | Include bicycle safety messages along with other safety messages (personal, alcohol, etc) when students start at UNC-CH. Include in both undergrad and graduate. | Bicycle coordinator; Housing and Residential Education; (Campus Health) | High | Easy | Starting students off right |
Develop educational resources on bicycle safety at UNC-CH | Create complete bicycling resource for students, staff and faculty that can be distributed to employees and students at events and hiring/beginning of school. | Bicycle coordinator; CAP; (Campus Recreation) | High | Easy | Better educated bicyclists; safer bicyclist behavior |
Use bicycle registration as teaching opportunity for bicycle safety | Distribute bicycle safety information along with coupon for u-lock at time of bicycle registration |
DPS | Medium | Easy | Better educated bicyclists; safer bicyclist behavior |
Educate campus planning staff about bicycle accommodation | Hold a series of brown bags and/or bike rides to ensure decision-makers understand bicycle planning and engineering basics from a user perspective. | Bicycle coordinator | Medium | Medium | Create understanding of bicycle issues among staff |
Action Item | Description | Responsibility | Priority | Ease of implementation | Outcome(s) |
Develop comprehensive website for UNC-CH bicycling resources | Create a clearinghouse for UNC-CH bicycle resources to equip cyclists and cyclists-to-be with the information to make riding safe and convenient. Include safety information, crash resources, commuter resources, map. | Bicycle coordinator; CAP |
Medium | Easy | Building bicycle culture |
Produce a campus bicycle map | Either paper or easily accessible online (plus mobile) map with routes, parking and showers. | CAP; others | High | Easy | Building bicycle culture |
Hold annual fall bike ride for students | As part of Week of Welcome, hold guided bike ride for students to orient them to campus routes and Town routes/destinations. Offer second ride for upperclassmen and graduate students | Bicycle coordinator; Student Affairs | Medium | Medium | Building bicycle culture |
Include bicycle routes in campus wayfinding | Bicycle routes, destinations and parking should be included in new maps and directional signage. | Facilities Planning | Medium | Easy | Make bicycling available to more community members |
Evaluate feasibility of a Town-UNC-CH bike share system | Study the expansion of Tar Heel Bikes or creation of a new system that will serve the entire campus and Town community. | Bicycle coordinator; (Campus Recreation) | Low | Medium | Make bicycling available to more community members |
Action Item | Description | Responsibility | Priority | Ease of implementation | Outcome(s) |
Consider development of campus polices and fines related to unsafe cycling | Study adoption of enforceable campus policies that would fine violators at a lower level than Town/state traffic code violations and empower DPS to write more tickets with lower fines. | DPS | High | Hard | Greater enforcement |
Develop diversion program for bicycle violations | Model program on UC Davis Bicycle Education and Enforcement Program with an online course and quiz that can substitute for a fine at first offense of violating a traffic law or policy. | DPS | High | Medium | Better educated bicyclists; safer bicyclist behavior |
Continue enforcement actions related to bicycle traffic laws | Increase focus on bicycle, pedestrian and automobile traffic law enforcement. Continue work of Watch for Me NC campaign. | UNC Police | High | Easy | Safer bike-automobile interactions |
Ensure maintenance of safe bicycle routes during construction | Review all construction plans to ensure that on- and off-road bicycle routes are maintained during road and building construction. | Facilities Planning; Transportation planner | Medium | Medium | Safer bike-automobile and bike-pedestrian interactions |
Action Item | Description | Responsibility | Priority | Ease of implementation | Outcome(s) |
Integrate bicycles into all routine campus planning efforts | Ensure that this bicycle plan is part of campus physical planning going forward and referenced for all projects; reference Town plan for non-Main Campus projects | Facilities Planning; Transportation planner; DPS | High | Hard | Bike plan implementation |
Designate a campus bicycle coordinator | Coordinator will drive implementation of the bike plan through working across campus departments, with existing programs, and with student advocates. Can be written into job description of one or more staff. | Facilities Planning; DPS | High | Medium | Bike plan implementation |
Continue work of Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Committee | Continue to bring physical infrastructure recommendations and programs before this committee for feedback as plan implementation progresses | Committee | High | Easy | Bike plan implementation |
Convene staff working group on bike plan implementation | Include staff from relevant departments, many of whom have been involved as stakeholders in this plan, to continue to meet regularly to implement plan recommendations. Can be tasked with assessing opportunities for funding. | DPS | Medium | Medium | Bike plan implementation |
Include Bike Plan progress in biannual Campus Sustainability Report | An expanded transportation section of this report will cover progress made toward Bike Plan goals and upcoming efforts. It should cover both physical network implementation and programs/policies. | DPS; Sustainability Office | Medium | Medium | Building bicycle culture; bike plan implementation; campus buy-in |
Conduct and publicize annual bicycle counts | Conducting annual bicycle counts will help gauge whether improvements are making an impact on bicycling on campus. Collect data on illegal riding movements. | DPS; DCRP; other volunteers | Medium | Easy | Create understanding of bicycle issues among staff |