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How do I register?
Employees and students may register for CAP online. If a permit or bus pass is needed immediately, contact
What’s the cost to join CAP?
CAP membership is free and comes with cost-saving benefits! CAP members have the option to purchase a Park-and-Ride permit for the academic year, or temporary permits may be purchased outside of CAP.
Can I join/leave CAP mid-year?
If you are interested in joining CAP, cancel your on-campus parking permit at any time for a pro-rated refund (or to stop payroll deductions). University employees may cancel their permits by contacting their department parking coordinator. Students may complete the permit cancellation form. Commuters who do not have a parking permit may simply register for CAP.

If you are no longer interested in being a CAP member, contact

Can I switch commute options mid-year?
Yes, contact
How long am I a CAP member once I register?
CAP membership lasts for a year, beginning on August 1 and ending on July 31 of the next year. CAP members receive emails in July about registration for the upcoming year.
I forgot my password.
If you are using your Onyen, you may need to reset your password. If logging in with your PID, please email us at and we will reset the password for you.
How will I get my CAP discount card?
To be more eco-friendly, CAP is now e-mailing the discount card out to members after registration. Follow CAP on Facebook to see when the next event is. See which businesses support CAP with a discount.
How do I obtain my free one-day occasional-use permit?
The one-day S11/Park-and-Ride permit can be requested through Online Services. If requesting a permit on the day of use, please print permit and display on dashboard. To request or print the permit at home:

  1. Log in to online services.
  2. Scroll down to click “Get permits.”
  3. Select CAP Member as the customer group.
  4. Select the option for “CAP 1-Day S11/P&R printable” permit.
  5. Input the day you need the permit, then the vehicle.
  6. Select “Printable permit” (not a mailing address).
  7. Follow the remaining steps.
Where is the free one-day occasional-use permit valid?
The permit is valid in S11 lots, in any of the “R” (remote lots) such as AOB/Giles Horney, or in any of the Park-and-Ride lots served by Chapel Hill Transit. Please note that students can only use the S11-Manning lot. Employees may use any S11 lots along Skipper Bowles Dr.
What if I use up all my one-day occasional-use permits?
Temporary permits for the S11 lots are available for purchase at the Public Safety Building. One-day Park-and-Ride permits may be paid for electronically with ParkMobile.

Hourly parking is also available on campus at the Rams Head Deck on Ridge Road or any metered parking.

How do I earn prizes with GoPerks?
Employees may sign up to track sustainable trips with ShareTheRideNC and earn points to enter prize drawings. University employees can use the Onyen login and Hospital employees can use their email to log in.

To begin tracking trips, create an account with ShareTheRideNC and follow the instructions on the calendar!

Do I need anything to park at a Park-and-Ride lot?
The University and Town Park-and-Ride lots, served by Chapel Hill Transit, require a paid permit. The regional Park-and-Ride lots are free of charge and do not require a permit.
Is my Park-and-Ride permit assigned to a specific lot?
UNC-Chapel Hill permits are valid in any of the University and Town-owned Park-and-Ride lots, and parking is available on a first come, first served basis.
If I have more than one vehicle, can I park with a secondary vehicle?
If you have more than one vehicle, log in to your account and click “Manage Your Vehicles” to add another.
Can I use a bus pass and also have Park-and-Ride permit?
Yes. The online system will not allow registration for both options, contact for assistance. You may purchase daily or weekly Park-and-Ride permits at any time through Online Services.
I lost my bus pass, how can I replace it?
To replace a lost bus pass, contact
If I ride my bike to campus, do I need to register for CAP?
It is required to register your bicycle, but you should also register for CAP to receive the benefits!
Can I have a motorcycle permit and join CAP?
Yes, you may purchase a motorcycle permit and join CAP. The online system will not allow registration for both options, contact for assistance.
If your question is not answered here, contact