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Transportation and Parking is upgrading the gate equipment and visitor access system for gated parking areas across campus. The first phase of the PARCS upgrade began Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023, and was completed on July 25, 2023. The PARCS upgrade work includes the demolition of curbs and the reconfiguration of entrance and exit lanes. Parking areas will remain accessible throughout the project. Drivers and pedestrians should remain alert to changes in traffic patterns and construction activities in these areas.

PARCS Upgrade Project

Phase Two

The following parking lots will be upgraded during phase two of the PARCS project. Project dates are projected and subject to change.

Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the Dean Smith Lot has an estimated start date of July 25, and a completion date of November 3. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
Dean Smith Lot
Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the Swain Lot has an estimated start date of August 21, and a completion date of November 7. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
Swain Lot
Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the Caldwell and Steele Lots has an estimated start date of September 1, and a completion date of November 13. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
Caldwell and Steele Lots
Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the “>Carmichael Lot has an estimated start date of October 2, and a completion date of May 10. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the Cobb Parking Deck has an estimated start date of November 6, and a completion date of April 23. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
Cobb Parking Deck
Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the Morehead Lot has an estimated start date of January 29, and a completion date of May 10. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
Morehead Lot
Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the Jackson Deck has an estimated start date of December 12, and a completion date of January 12. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
Jackson Parking Deck
Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the Cardinal Deck has an estimated start date of January 22, and a completion date of May 3. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
Cardinal Parking Deck
Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the Ambulatory Care Center Lot has an estimated start date of February 26, and a completion date of May 8. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
Ambulatory Care Center Lot
Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the Dogwood Deck has an estimated start date of December 11, and a completion date of May 23.

Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the Dogwood Deck has an estimated start date of March 25, and a completion date of June 3. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.

  • Beginning March 25 through April 11, the Mason Farm Road entrance will be closed. Patrons should use the New East Drive entrance during this time.
  • April 11 through April 25, the New East Drive entrance will be closed. Patrons should use the Mason Farm Road entrance during this time.
  • April 25 through May 23, two of the lanes at the New East Drive exit will be closed. Other lanes at this exit will remain open during this project.
Dogwood Deck

Phase One

The following parking lots will be upgraded during phase one of the PARCS project. Project dates are projected and subject to change.

Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the School of Government Parking Deck has an estimated completion date of June 9. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
School of Government Deck
Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the Rams Head Parking Deck has an estimated completion date of June 23. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
Rams Head Parking Deck
Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the Bell Tower Parking Deck has an estimated completion date of May 12. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
Bell Tower Parking Deck
Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the Craige Parking Deck has an estimated completion date of June 16. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
Craige Parking Deck
Work to upgrade PARCS equipment at the McCauley Parking Deck has an estimated completion date of June 2. An entry and exit lane will be maintained to accommodate traffic to the parking lot.
McCauley Parking Deck

The PARCS upgrade will provide a modernized system that will allow for automated reservation and pay options. Employees with parking permits will continue to use their UNC One Card for lot access.

For questions about this project, contact