UNC-Chapel Hill partners with the Town of Chapel Hill to support a Halloween celebration with the goal of having a fun and safe event. Campus parking lots are impacted during this event.
Tuesday, Oct 31, 2023
Parking permit regulations are in effect from 7:30 a.m. Monday, Oct. 30 through 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 3 in all permitted lots. Valid University weekday or weeknight permit registration is required to park.
Vehicles without a valid weekday or weeknight permit may be ticketed and towed from permitted lots. Owners of towed vehicles must come to the Public Safety Building at 285 Manning Drive to release the vehicle from impoundment. Payment for the citation, tow, and any outstanding balances owed to Transportation and Parking are required before releasing the vehicle.
Citation and towing payment policies and online payment processing available on the Transportation and Parking website.
Road closures or event operation needs may impact lot availability. Please check carefully for restricted areas.
Vehicles must be removed by 5:30 p.m. Parking lot access is restricted after 4:30 p.m. Vehicles will be towed at owner expense.
- Swain Lot (NG1)
- Porthole & Utility (N2)
- Morehead Lots (N2)
- Coates Lot (N9)
The TransLoc app features real-time pick up requests for UNC-Chapel Hill Point-to-Point (P2P) on-demand. This free app allows users to enter a destination, view estimated time of arrival and track vehicles in real-time for on campus locations. Customers may also use the Transloc website to request a ride.
The RR Lot Shuttle will be available on-demand beginning at 7:00 p.m. due to the NU route service adjustments. P2P fixed-route service to the RR lot will resume at 10:30 p.m.
All riders must adhere to rules and policies associated with riding campus and local transit safely. Local and Regional transit services may be altered to accommodate Halloween road closures, including:
Campus lots require University weekday or weeknight permits from 7:30 a.m. Monday, Oct. 30 through 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 3.
- Employees reporting to work on Halloween evening at north and mid campus locations must have a registered weekday or weeknight permit. Parking permit regulations are in effect.
- P2P After Dark is available through the TransLoc app or at 919-962-7867 for employees.
- Recommended south campus parking located at Dogwood Deck for all UNC Health employees, patients, and visitors during this time (permit or payment required).
- Employees who do not have a registered permit should park in Dogwood Deck (hourly rate applies).
Campus lots require University weekday or weeknight permits from 7:30 a.m. Monday, Oct. 30 through 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 3.
- Students coming to campus for academic or extracurricular activities must have a valid University weekday or weeknight permit registered to park on campus.
- Parking Control will patrol lots using license plate reading (LPR) technology and enforce parking restrictions.