Parking Ordinance
The Ordinance Regulating Traffic and Parking defines the general operations and policies for traffic and parking on UNC-Chapel Hill’s campus.
First or second appeals submitted after 10 calendar days are considered a “No Action” meaning the appeal did not meet the time requirement and all appeal rights are forfeited.
Citation Appeal
An appeal should be submitted to Transportation and Parking providing information and documentation to support the appellant’s request for consideration of a citation issued for a violation of campus parking rules and regulations. Appeals must be submitted in written form and include all relevant information related to the circumstances of the appeal. It is important to provide any documentation, including pictures, to support the appeal.
Complete the Online Appeal Form and decision will be mailed to the email address listed on the appeal. Normally, a response is sent within one to two days of the appeal unless extensive research is required.
In Person
Complete the Parking Violation Appeal Form and submit to the Appeals Officer at the service desk in the Public Safety Building. In most cases, the Appeals Office renders an immediate decision. Occasionally, the appeals staff may need time to gather additional information to make a fair and appropriate decision.
Email / U.S. Mail
To submit an appeal in writing by email or U.S. Mail, the following information is required:
- Name, address, phone number of appellant
- Citation and plate number (include state)
- Reason for appeal (include supporting documentation)
Email Address: parking@unc.edu
Mailing Address:
Transportation and Parking285 Manning Drive
Campus Box 1610
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Parking Appeals Committee
A second appeal may be submitted for consideration by the Parking Appeals Committee, if the Transportation and Parking’s Hearing Officer issues an unfavorable disposition for the original appeal. The appellant may submit a second appeal, in writing, utilizing the Reappeals Form to the Parking Appeals Committee within 10 calendar days of the date of the Hearing Officer’s decision. The Appellate Procedures outline the process for second appeal hearings. Any additional documentation to support the appeal should be provided allowing the Committee access to all relevant information to consider in the review process. All reappeals are submitted through Transportation and Parking and processed in the system for submittal to the Committee. It may take up to a month to receive a notice of the Committee’s decision. Reappeals may be submitted:
In Person
Complete the Parking Violation Appeal Form and submit to the Appeals Officer at the service desk in the Public Safety Building.
Email / U.S. Mail
To submit an appeal in writing by email or U.S. Mail, the following information is required:
- Name, address, phone number of appellant
- Citation and plate number (include state)
- Reason for appeal (include supporting documentation)
Email Address: parking@unc.edu
Mailing Address:
Transportation and Parking285 Manning Drive
Campus Box 1610
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Appeal Status Definitions
- “NO ACTION” means that the appeal did not meet the appeal period requirement (10 days), and all appeal rights have been forfeited (including right to re-appeal to the Appeals Committee).
- “WARNING” means that the citation and fine have been waived in accordance with the Appeals Guidelines.
- “DENIED” means that the citation has been upheld in accordance with the Appeals Guidelines, and payment is due within ten days of the date of the appeals decision.
- “REDUCED” means that the appellant has a valid permit for the zone, but the permit was not properly displayed at the time of the citation issuance, or that the person has multiple violations and the citation has been reduced for financial consideration. Payment is due within ten days of the date of the appeals decision.
- “VOID” means that a citation was issued, but the fine was dismissed due to an error. This action will remain on record but will not count against an appellant’s violation history.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How much time do I have to appeal?
- You have ten (10) calendar days from the date of the citation to appeal.
- Can I appeal if I’ve had a citation “Warned” in the past?
- Each appeal is reviewed individually based on the facts and circumstances presented. However, an existing history of parking violations is a consideration in the review process.
- What if my appeal is denied or reduced?
- You have two options: You may either appeal the decision to the Traffic and Parking Appeals Committee within ten (10) calendar days of the decision date, or you may pay the fine/late fees. Remember that a No Action forfeits any further appeal actions, including re-appeals.
- Will I be billed while I await a decision?
- No. The appeal will be entered into the computer system and the billing process will be halted until a decision is made. If you have submitted an appeal and receive a billing notice for the citation, please contact Transportation and Parking at 919-962-3951 so billing errors can be corrected.
- When and how will I be notified about the decision?
- In-person appeals are normally decided at the time of the appeal unless additional research is needed to render a decision. Online appeals are generally responded to within a 24-hour period. Appeals sent through U.S. will receive a response through the mail within two (2) weeks.
- What if I don’t pay an outstanding citation amount?
- A student will have a hold placed with the University Registrar that will not be released until the outstanding fine and late fee are paid to Transportation and Parking. A University or Hospital employee will have the fine and late fee payroll deducted from their paycheck. A non-affiliate will have the late fee and fine forwarded to a collection agency.
- What if I have other questions?
- Please call 919-962-3951 or email parking@unc.edu.
Method | Details |
Cash | In-person payments only. Unrolled coins are not accepted as payment. |
Checks or Money Orders | Payable to UNC-Chapel Hill Transportation and Parking ($25 Return Check Fee) |
Credit Card | MasterCard/Visa/Discover (online, in-person, phone) |
Direct Fund Transfer | Electronic transfer of intra-campus department payments (permits, digital validation, pay lot reservations, event fees) |
Journal Entry | Electronic account adjustment to transfer funds (citations, tows, boots) replaces Account Adjustment Form (AJ1) |
Online Payments | Payments made via online account management (Credit Cards Only) |
Payroll | UNC-Chapel Hill and UNC Hospitals’ payroll deduction (permanent employees) |
Pay Stations | Unmanned pay stations utilized for hourly pay spaces |
UNC One Card | UNC-Chapel Hill identification card |
Method | Details |
In-person/Mail Payments: | Transportation and Parking 285 Manning Drive Campus Box 1610 Chapel Hill, NC 27599 |
Mail Payments (Citations Only): | UNC-Chapel Hill Transportation and Parking PO Box 277506 Atlanta, GA 30384-7506 |
Phone Payments: | UNC-Chapel Hill Transportation and Parking 919-962-3951 |
- Employee permit prices may vary based on the type of permit and a sliding scale pricing of each employee’s salary. Payments must be made at the time of purchase via cash, check, charge, or payroll deduction.
- Proration of permit fees occur weekly
- Payroll deduction is the payment method permanent UNC-Chapel Hill and UNC Health employees normally select. Permit costs are divided and deducted at bi-weekly or monthly intervals depending on the employee’s pay schedule. Employees should check payroll stubs for accurate deductions. Temporary UNC-Chapel Hill and UNC Health employees that are not eligible for payroll deduction must pay by cash, check, or charge at time of purchase.
- Pre-Tax Option is automatically selected for permanent employee’s permit deductions. Pre-Tax option is only available for payroll deduction. Other forms of payments are not pretax eligible. Employees must indicate if they do not want the pre-tax option. Temporary employees are not eligible for pre-tax payments.
- Leave / Sabbatical periods require employees to make arrangements to pay for their permit or cancel it to insure that the payroll deduction payment method is stopped. Department Coordinators are notified to cancel the permit if payment is not received via an affidavit (reports the permit lost/stolen and places it on a tow list).
- Contract Departments are responsible for purchasing the department’s entire parking allocation in full prior to the beginning of each permit year. If Contract Departments do not purchase the allocation, then contract employees much pay by cash, check, or charge at time of purchase.
- Lost / Stolen Permits must be reported immediately and an affidavit must be completed. Lost permits are replaced at a charge of $25 or the face value of the permit, whichever is less.
- Student Permits Prices vary based on type of permit. Students must pay by cash, check, or credit card at time of purchase.
- Proof of Registration and insurance must be presented by the student at the time of permit purchase.
- Outstanding Debts must be paid in full prior to purchasing a permit. Refunds may be reduced or retained from the cancellation of a permit to clear outstanding balances associated an account.
- Citations are issued when a vehicle is found in violation of the Ordinance Regulating Traffic and Parking at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- Citation fees vary depending upon the nature of the violation.
- Citations, tows and boots must be paid within 10 days of issuance. A $10 late fee is assessed on any citation that is not paid within this timeframe.
- Citations are assigned to individuals based on: plate registration to a permit, the person, company, corporation or firm in whose name the vehicle is registered through the NC DMV or the corresponding agency of another state or nation, or the son, daughter, spouse or ward of the registered owner enrolled in or employed at UNC-Chapel Hill or UNC Hospitals.
- License plates that receive a parking ticket and are not registered to a permit are submitted to NC DMV or a corresponding agency for out of state plates for identification and are cross-referenced by name and address to determine affiliation with a UNC-Chapel Hill or UNC Health affiliate.
- “In-Lieu” tows occur when a vehicle needs to be removed from a parking area due to a violation of the Ordinance and the driver arrives prior to the tow truck arriving. The In-Lieu fee and the citation fee for the violation are then owed.
- Tows occur when a vehicle is removed from a parking area due to a violation of the Ordinance and relocated to UNC-Chapel Hill vehicle compound. Vehicle owners must come to the Public Safety Building to retrieve the vehicle.
- The tow and citation and any outstanding account balance are due prior to the release of the vehicle. A valid driver’s license must be presented by the driver at the time of the vehicle release.
- Tows and impound fees can be paid by cash, check, credit card, or a Department Journal Entry.
- $10 fee is assessed each day following the initial date the vehicle is towed that it remains in the impound lot.
- Payments after normal office hours (M-F 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.) must be paid via the Transportation and Parking website by Visa, MasterCard or Discover. No other form of payment can be accepted after regular business hours.
Status Timeline | Process |
1-10 Days – Citation Issuance | Citation is current for 1-10 days – Citation issuance is 1st invoice |
11 Days – Citation Issuance |
30 Days Past Due – 1st Billing Notice |
60 Days Past Due – 2nd Billing Notice |
180 Days – Collection Agency |
University Procedure: 503.1 UNC Procedure for Collecting Past Due Accounts Receivable |
- Event services for parking include fees for various services and accommodations including: shuttle services; reserving parking spaces/lots, lot monitors, signs, and equipment set-up. Event Service Fees lists the various services and associated costs.
- Events can be paid by check, cash, credit card or a Journal Entry – NO JOURNAL ENTRY – CHANGE TO DEPT DIRECT FUND TRANSFER.
- All payments can be made in person or mailed to Transportation and Parking at 285 Manning Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 (not Lock Box). Payments made by Visa, MasterCard or Discover may also be made by phone at 919-962-3951.
- Visitor/Patient Parking Fees are hourly charges for parking in visitor/patient lots, meter spaces located throughout campus.
- Payment Methods for Visitor / Patient include: Cash, Charge (Visa, MasterCard or Discover), Coupons and Validations (Department Payment Only), Reservation (Pre-paid)
- Payment Method for Meter Spaces: Cash (quarters only), Charge
- Coupons and validations are available to departments as a prepaid option for visitors/patients to the department or unit.
- Pay-In-Lane: Charge (Visa, MasterCard or Discover)
- Meter Station: Charge (Visa, MasterCard or Discover)
- Dogwood Deck Non Payment Form: Indigent patient accommodation for one-time use for patient of UNC Health Care System unable to provide payment. An employee found completing a Non Payment form as a means to exit the deck will be billed directly for parking cost.