Interference with Traffic; Temporary Traffic Restrictions
It is unlawful for any person to park or bring to a halt on the Campus any Vehicle in such manner as to interfere with normal vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
The Chancellor, through their designee(s), may cause traffic on Campus to be restricted or rerouted as necessary by construction, emergency situations, special events, and other circumstances. Notice of such restrictions will be given by a representative of the Department or other University official by placing temporary signs or barriers. It shall be unlawful to violate such restriction(s).
Fire Lanes/Fire Hydrants
No person (even if mobility impaired) may park a Vehicle, allow it to idle in, or block access to any area designated as a fire lane or any area within fifteen (15) feet in either direction of a fire hydrant. Any emergency authorization for use of fire lanes must be obtained through the Department. Pavement markings and/or signs will prominently indicate fire lanes on Campus.
Sidewalks and Landscape
No person may operate or park a Vehicle on grass or shrubbery unless such areas are signed and marked for such activity.
Except for approved University Electric Vehicles or as authorized by the Chancellor or their designee(s), no person may operate or park a Vehicle on a Campus sidewalk. Further, no person, other than on-duty law enforcement officers, may operate or park a Motorized Two- Wheeled Vehicle on a Campus sidewalk. Bicycles may be operated on Campus sidewalks provided that no person operates a Bicycle in a manner that jeopardizes pedestrian safety or State-owned or private property.
No person may use in-line skates or skateboards on Campus in a manner that jeopardizes the safety of other pedestrians; on any walls, monuments, gutters, ditches, railings, Bicycle racks, benches, other structures, fixtures, or property on the Campus; or on any ramps or steps on Campus except for the purpose of entering or leaving a building or making normal pedestrian progress along a Campus sidewalk.
Speed Limits
- It is unlawful to operate a Vehicle on Campus in excess of a speed of ten miles per hour, except as otherwise posted.
- It is unlawful to operate a Vehicle on Cameron Avenue, Raleigh Street, or Bowles Drive in excess of a speed of twenty-five miles per hour.
- It is unlawful to operate a Bicycle on a sidewalk on Campus at a speed or in a manner that would prove to be hazardous to pedestrians.
Vehicular Traffic at Marked Crosswalks
The Chancellor, through their designee(s), may establish pedestrian crosswalks across streets, alleys, and driveways on Campus and on the public streets listed in Parking on Streets or Roads of the Town of Chapel Hill where the location of University buildings and sidewalks requires large numbers of persons to cross a street or driveway at a point other than street intersections as governed by G.S. § 20-155(c). A crosswalk must be indicated by traffic signals, signs, or white stripes (hatched or unhatched) and will be a minimum of six feet in width. When a crosswalk has been marked off, it is unlawful for the driver of any Vehicle traveling on the street or driveway to fail to stop and to yield the right-of-way when there is a pedestrian in that portion of the crosswalk. The pedestrian must be on that side of the street or driveway in which the Vehicle is traveling.
Pedestrian Obstructing Traffic
It is unlawful for a pedestrian to stand on the traveled portion of any street, alley, or driveway on Campus in such a manner to obstruct or prevent the free flow of traffic thereon, and in crossing streets, alleys, or driveways pedestrians must keep in motion when in the traveled portion thereof.
Passenger Pick Up and Discharge
It is unlawful for any person to stop a Vehicle on any street, alley, or driveway on Campus to pick up a pedestrian or discharge a passenger without first drawing up to the right-hand curb.