Transportation Management Plan
The University of North Carolina has always been the initiator and leader in the Chapel Hill area for implementing traffic reduction methods and promoting alternative forms of transportation not only on campus but also around the Chapel Hill community. The University currently sponsors and uses several Transportation Demand Management (TDM) techniques for both employees and students and will continue to do so.
This Transportation Management Plan (TMP) fulfills the requirements of the Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for the Development and Redevelopment in the Office/Institutional-4 (OI-4) Zoning district as adopted by the Chapel Hill Town Council on July 2, 2001.
The purpose of this plan is to develop and establish policies, procedures, and operating programs designed to minimize the number of single occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips to and from campus, and the traffic generated by these SOV trips, by increasing the alternative forms of transportation available to University employees and students.
Plan Procedure
The University has a full-time Transportation Demand Manager, whose sole responsibility is to develop, design, and promote alternatives to SOV (Single Occupancy Vehicle) commuting to the UNC-Chapel Hill campus. The Transportation Demand Manager works to actively promote and encourage alternative forms of transportation, and this position works with the Parking Coordinators to ensure that all available forms of alternative transportation are made known to the employees and students. This position coordinates and hosts annual Transportation Fairs with all local and regional transit providers present to solicit input and provide answers to questions and concerns from the UNC-Chapel Hill community. The Transportation Demand Manager coordinates local and regional commuting opportunities through the UNC-Chapel Hill Commuter Alternative Program (CAP) and promotes these options by publishing and distributing a monthly electronic newsletter called “Commuter News” to Parking Coordinators as well as all registered CAP members.
The monthly “Commuter News” publication contains information about ridesharing, biking, walking, event parking, local and regional transit opportunities, and other information regarding parking and transportation for employees and students of the University. In addition, other sources of printed publications are available in brochure form or via the T&P website to disseminate transportation information as described in this plan.
Within the last ten years, the University has made great strides in promoting local and regional transit, vanpools, ridesharing, carsharing, and cycling. These efforts have been undertaken solely by the University or in concert with other non-university agencies such as GoTriangle (formerly Triangle Transit), Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation (PART), or the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro.
The primary sources of dissemination of alternative commuting information is through the campus Parking Coordinators, campus newsletters, and local bulletins including “The Daily Tar Heel” (student newspaper), “The University Gazette” (employee newspaper), CAP’s “Commuter News” and various department and hospital newsletters.
Specific methods the Transportation Demand Manager uses to disseminate transportation information include the following:
- Electronic dissemination by campus e-mail to:
- Parking Coordinators
- Student Government and Committee Chairs
- Housing Resident Advisors
- CAP participants
- Merchants and Transportation Agency Partners
- UNC-Chapel Hill Sustainability Office, Human Resources, Student Housing
- Transportation & Parking Facebook and X feeds
- Transportation & Parking website
- Press releases to University newspapers, newsletters, and local newspapers
- Year-round calendar of programs/presentations/tabling events
- Distribution of specific TDM Program brochures
- UNC-Chapel Hill participation in regional awareness campaigns
UNC-CAP eligibility requirements:
- May not be a current SOV parking permit holder (car/vanpoolers are eligible)
- Must be a UNC-Chapel Hill or UNC Hospitals employee, or commuter student
- Must register for CAP annually
- Must live off campus
UNC-CAP benefits:
- Access to free one-day parking permits for S11 lots and Park & Ride lots (1 per month for permanent employees and 1 per semester for students)
- Access to Emergency Ride Back (to locations within Chapel Hill or Carrboro)
- Eligibility for all contests and promotional items associated with CAP
- Merchant Discount Card
The UNC-Chapel Hill Commuter Alternative Program (CAP) is the hub through which the Transportation Demand Manager coordinates local and regional commuting opportunities. CAP has a thriving Merchant Program. Local merchants donate discounts and giveaways to CAP and in return, receive free advertising and multiple mentions throughout the year via CAP marketing campaigns.
CAP and other TDM tools such as Zipcar carsharing and ShareTheRideNC ridematching receive regular promotion through multiple venues including the publishing and distributing of a monthly “Commuter News.” The “Commuter News” is distributed to Parking Coordinators, all registered CAP members and merchants, transportation partners, cycling stakeholders, student government and sustainability staff and an expanding list of known transportation stakeholders.
The monthly “Commuter News” publication contains information about ridesharing, car/vanpooling, parking, local and regional transit opportunities, and other information regarding transportation for employees and students of the University. In addition, to disseminate transportation information as described in this plan, other sources of printed publications are available in brochure form or via the T&P website.
The Transportation Demand Manager position coordinates and hosts annual University and Hospital Transportation Fairs with all local and regional transit providers present to solicit input from employees and students and to respond to questions and concerns from the UNC-Chapel Hill community.
Finally, the Transportation Demand Manager continually seeks new working partnerships for TDM within the University. Examples of these mutually beneficial partnerships include those with the Offices of Sustainability and Human Resources.
UNC-Chapel Hill Park & Ride:
- 725 MLK Blvd.
- Chatham County
- Friday Center
- Hedrick
- Hwy. 54
Town Park & Ride:
- Carrboro Plaza
- Eubanks Road
- Jones Ferry
- Southern Village
To encourage the use of Park & Ride lots, express bus service is utilized providing high frequency and more direct non-stop routes to and from campus. University employees and commuting students must display a Park & Ride permit in UNC-Chapel Hill designated Park & Ride lots. UNC-Chapel Hill funds 100% of express transit from UNC-Chapel Hill Park & Ride lots to the campus. Additionally, users of these facilities can take advantage of the Emergency Ride Back (ERB) program which provides an immediate ride back to one’s car in the case of a serious family or personal emergency. This service is provided by UNC’s Point-To-Point shuttle service.
A mandatory free online bicycle registration program is in place and coordinated by UNC Police and Transportation & Parking to help identify lost and stolen bicycles. Abandoned bicycles are collected on campus every summer for a fall bicycle auction to provide inexpensive bicycles to those who wish to start riding. The University has a representative who sits on both the Town of Chapel Hill and Carrboro Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committees and participates in identifying priorities to enhance bicycle travel throughout the towns and UNC-Chapel Hill campus. The University also has its own Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Committee that is chaired by the Deputy Director of Public Safety that makes recommendations to the University administration concerning bicycling facilities and issues on campus.
Transportation & Parking encourages cyclists and pedestrians who commute to campus to join CAP and participate in available benefits offered by the program. T&P provides publications that are geared specifically towards cyclists and pedestrians such as Bike Registration Forms and “Don’t Lose Your Ride” flyers for cyclists who register their bikes. The UNC Police Larceny Reduction Unit offers educational programs on campus including a Bike Theft Prevention Flyer aimed at improving bicycle security for the University Community. Additionally, to enhance bicycle safety and reduce the risk of bike larcenies, a discount of 50% off U-locks (in collaboration with UNC Student Stores) is offered to those who register their bikes.
Flex Time
This method varies the standard eight-hour day for employees. Thus, some employees report to work up to an hour before others and then leave an hour earlier. This spreads out the traffic during the traditional peak hours. It also allows employees more flexibility in matching their work schedules to transit or car/vanpool schedules.
Staggered Work Shifts
This method works best when groups of employees have the same schedule and work responsibilities. It is similar to flex time but applies to groups of employees as opposed to individual employees. That is, a group of employees report to and leave work at different times or shifts. This spreads out the commuting traffic during the day rather than just at the traditional peak hours. This is best for hospital employees where work shifts are commonly scheduled.
Compressed Work Week
This method permits a four-day work week by allowing some employees to work a standard 40-hour week in four days. Thus, some employees will have one day of the week off, eliminating traffic on that day when the employee would normally drive.
All University parking lots require a parking permit and each parking lot is regulated and enforced by Transportation & Parking. Parking permit fees are charged for each space and no one is allowed to park on campus without a valid parking permit except in attended visitor lots or at parking meters. Those who park without valid permits are in violation of University parking regulations and will be issued a ticket and have a fine imposed. Availability of campus parking spaces has decreased based on the Development Plan while the cost of parking permits has increased, and likely will continue to do so. This may influence some employees and students to forego driving and parking on campus in favor of using an alternative form of transportation.
The University actively encourages employees and students to use the local and regional transit systems by maintaining a parking system that does not provide parking spaces for all employees and students. New students and employees are provided information about the available transit services at orientation/registration, through CAP brochures, monthly “Commuter News” publications, and via the T&P website that links directly with local and regional transit providers’ websites.
Chapel Hill Transit provides a fare-free service at boarding. The University, along with the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro also work together in developing routes, schedules, and the provision of financing.
GoTriangle is a regional transit service that serves the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area. The University provides a free GoPass to CAP members who are either a University employee or commuting student living outside Chapel Hill Transit’s service area and within GoTriangle’s service area. Regional bus passes are also provided free of charge to employees and students who commute on PART’s Alamance Burlington Express (Route 4).
P2P Express & P2P Shuttle
P2P provides fixed-route shuttles for students and employees that loop around campus nightly. P2P Express serves the east side of campus from 7:00 p.m. until 4:00 a.m. seven days a week during the academic year and the summer semester. P2P Shuttle serves the west side of campus, including Baity Hill family housing, from 7:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday, and on-demand on Sunday nights. These routes provide free transportation to all campus residence halls, activity centers, libraries, and downtown Chapel Hill.
P2P After-Dark Service
Demand response transportation is offered for those who cannot directly access the fixed P2P Express shuttle route. It is for those who need transportation to and from “open” campus buildings, or for commuters needing transportation back to a Park & Ride lot from campus after Chapel Hill Transit services have stopped.
P2P Campus Health Service
P2P provides demand response transportation for any student going to or from the Student Health Services Center (during all hours of operation) or UNC Hospitals’ Emergency Room.
Note: P2P cannot transport an emergency condition that requires treatment en route or one that deals with bleeding. Contact 911 for Orange County Emergency EMS services in these cases.
P2P Accessibility Service
P2P provides demand response transportation to and from campus locations to qualified University employees and students. The service is available 24-hours a day, Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. A P2P Disability Pass is required when requesting this service. A P2P Disability Pass may be obtained through T&P, Campus Health Services, or the Office of Accessibility Resources & Service based on qualifying mobility impairment.
P2P Emergency Ride Back Service
P2P provides local Emergency Ride Back services to registered participants of the UNC-Chapel Hill Commuter Alternative Program (CAP). The service provides transportation to UNC-Chapel Hill & Town Park & Ride lots and other locations within the Chapel Hill and Carrboro city limits in the event of qualifying emergencies that include the sudden onset of illness to a family member or one’s self, or due to a death in the family.
P2P Airport Shuttle
P2P provides a fare free shuttle bus service to and from the RDU Airport for Fall Break, Thanksgiving, and Spring Break.
P2P Law School Shuttle
P2P provides a fixed route shuttle van that runs continuously between the Law School and the Tennis Court (T Lot) from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday during the Fall and Spring Semesters.
P2P Library Shuttle
P2P provides a shuttle van service linking the Student Union with campus housing locations (including fraternities and sororities close to main campus) and operates continuously from midnight to 3:00 a.m. Monday through Thursday during the Fall and Spring Semesters. The shuttle van does not run on a fixed route, but provides transport on a first-come, first-serve basis from the bus pull-out on South Road directly in front of the Student Union to requested campus housing locations.
P2P Resident Remote Storage Lot (RR Shuttle)
P2P operates a shuttle van between the Resident Storage Lot (RR) located on Estes Drive and main campus Monday through Friday from 10:30 p.m. until 3:00 a.m. and Sundays from 11:30 p.m. until 3:00 a.m. The shuttle runs continuously on a 30-minute loop from the storage lot to main campus P2P Express stops. The shuttle is also available on-demand on Saturdays after 10:45 p.m.
Users can access a bike by reserving it ahead of time online or with the Social Bicycles app, or they can enter a unique access code into a bicycle’s keypad to start riding. This ease of access allows people to cross campus quickly without using a car or ride hailing service. Bike sharing also prevents bicycle larcenies and abandonment by reducing personal risks and barriers associated with bike ownership.
Plan Revision and Evaluation
The progress of the University’s Transportation Management Plan is evaluated every two years with the biennial Commuter Survey. The mode splits of the new survey are compared to those of the previous one to evaluate the effectiveness of the TMP and the TDM measures used by the University to reduce traffic and increase the use of alternative means of transportation. Efforts made to encourage alternative forms of transportation and reduce the number of SOV trips are summarized in the Annual Development Plan Transportation Report to the Town of Chapel Hill no later than December 31 of each required year.