Check out “What’s New” for 2016-17 with UNC Transportation & Parking:
Digital Meters (New on UNC’s Campus)
Learn about these convenient pay stations and how to use them.
Available Parking Permits
The student parking lottery has ended. However, parking permits are still available for S11 and RR zones. Students living off campus can purchase S11-Manning permits for $335.25 (costs prorated based on date of purchase. Students living in UNC Housing can purchase an RR lot permit for $252.75. Read more about student parking.
Employees paid by the University may purchase permits for the S11 zones along Skipper Bowles Drive. For permit costs, see the “non-gated space” costs by salary scale on the employee pricing page.
Transit / Buses
BreakShuttle Service
BreakShuttle will provide luxury motor coaches for UNC students to get home during school breaks. Service will be piloted during Thanksgiving Break 2016 to Charlotte, Fayetteville, and Wilmington, NC; Atlanta, GA; Richmond, VA; and Washington, DC.
P2P Express Route Changes
P2P implemented minor route adjustments to the express route, effective August 15, 2016. Buses will no longer serve Rosemary Street. See the new route.
P2P Real-Time and On-Demand Services
P2P will soon have real-time service and on-demand scheduling through TransLoc. Check back later in the fall at
Chapel Hill Transit Service Changes
See list of service changes for CM, CPX, HS, HU, NU, and T routes. All changes effective August 15, 2016.
GoTriangle (Triangle Transit) Service Changes
See list of service changes online, effective August 15, 2016.
Bikes / Scooters
New Bike Pump and Fix-it Station
Installed in the southwest corner of Greenlaw at the Pit, this Fix-it station includes all the tools necessary to perform basic bike repairs and maintenance, from changing a flat to adjusting brakes and derailleurs.
New Inverted-U Bike Racks
Wave racks were replaced with the new campus standard style (inverted “U” shape) surrounding Greenlaw. Additional racks will be added during the next two summers as part of the Pit Renovation Project.
Tar Heel Bikes
UNC’s bikeshare program, Tar Heel Bikes, has been expanded to offer free bike rentals in the Olde Campus Lower Quad on northern campus, as well as at Morrison Residence Hall.
Scooters Now Require Insurance
As a reminder, scooters must be registered with NC before purchasing a UNC scooter permit for $25. As of July 1, 2016, North Carolina law requires that all registered mopeds have liability insurance coverage.
Free Annual Membership
UNC Commuter Alternative Program (CAP) members can now join Zipcar for free! Sign up for the free membership at and join CAP at The regular membership rate for students and employees is $15 per year. Hourly rates start at $7.50 per hour (for Ford cars), with gas and insurance included.
New Zipcars
Zipcar has added a Ford C-Max behind the Public Safety building, so now Zipcar members can reserve a hybrid vehicle at just $7.50 per hour ($8.50 for weekends). A Zipcar has also been added to Baity Hill!
Football Event Parking
Football event operations will be in effect on all UNC home game Saturdays this fall including September 17 and 24, October 8, and November 5, 19, and 25. For information on game-day parking and transportation access, see Football Transportation & Parking.