Parking for employees is determined by department. University employees should contact the Department Parking Coordinator to request a parking permit. UNC Hospitals’ employees should contact the Hospital Parking Office. Transportation and Parking uses virtual permits for parking across campus. Virtual permitting removes the need for physical hang tags, and instead, parking access is assigned and verified through license plate recognition (LPR). License plate(s) must be registered through Online Services to associate vehicle with virtual permit.
The Parking Allocation Formula allots parking resources to determine how to distribute parking permits among over two hundred separate departments. The allocation system does not determine who will get permits, only how many permits each department has available.
Postdoctoral Fellows follow the same process as employees for parking. Please contact the department Parking Coordinator for permit requests.
For daytime parking, parking coordinators:
- May assign a permit from the departments allocation or;
- request an assignment from the postdoc allocation of 50 Craige Deck (CD) and 60 Bowles Drive (S11) permits.
For weeknight parking:
- UNC-Chapel Hill Daytime permits honored; no additional fee or action required
- Daytime postdocs without a daytime permit
- $25 annual weeknight parking permit (request through department parking coordinator)
- $1 one-night temporary pass available in designated lots across campus
- Commuter Alternative Program (CAP) members eligible for 20 free weeknight passes per semester
- Postdocs whose work hours are between 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. may purchase a weeknight parking permit based on salary scale (Pricing Chart) through their Department Parking Coordinator.
Employees and students are allowed to park in designated patient/visitor areas only if attending a medical appointment. Medical Appointment permits are required for students and employees parking in areas designated as patient parking while attending medical appointments. Medical Appointment permits may be obtained online, through the Transportation and Parking Office or through a parking lot attendant.
Employees who park 3 days or less weekly are eligible for the daily parking option. Daily options for employees are:
Campus Daily & Hourly Parking Options
These options do not require a department’s allocation assignment. Options & Rates:
- To accommodate an occasional need to park on campus, daily parking options are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis via ParkMobile
- Hourly parking available at meters, Rams Head parking deck, and Raleigh Road Visitor Lot
- Employee Daily & Hourly Parking Fees
Department Allocated Daily Parking
Parking Coordinators can assign a daily parking option from the department’s parking allocation to an eligible employee. Coordinators must verify the employee’s work schedule.
The allocation will be impacted by the percentage of usage. Example:
- 3 days per week = 60% of a full allocation = full zone allocation
- 2 days per week = 40% of a full allocation = half zone allocation
Employees receive a ParkMobile code to activate and pay for a parking session.
Weeknight Parking hours are 5 p.m. – 7:30 a.m., Monday through Friday. Valid permits are UNC-Chapel Hill daytime permits (includes UNC-Chapel Hill Park-and-Ride and Student/Family Housing permits), weeknight permits, and $1 one-night temporary passes, and are honored in designated weeknight parking lots throughout campus. Employees may request weeknight parking permits through the department parking coordinator (pricing based on salary scale).
Daytime employees without a daytime permit may be eligible for a $25 annual weeknight permit. Please contact the department parking coordinator to request the permit. Eligible Commuter Alternative Program (CAP) members may request 20 free weeknight passes each semester.
Other registration procedures may be completed by individual employees and do not require the department parking coordinator. More information and registration forms are available online.
Employees with a department allocated permit must contact their department parking coordinator to cancel the permit. Employees with a Park-and-Ride or motorcycle permit must complete the cancellation form.
Employees who cancel a permit should login to Online Services to confirm the cancellation request was processed and Connect Carolina to ensure payroll deduction has stopped. Permit cancellations are typically processed within two business days after the parking coordinator successfully submits the cancellation request. The cancellation submission date determines any refunds due.
Permanent or temporary employment status, zone, and designation determine employee permit prices, along with a sliding scale relative to salary. Transportation and Parking updates pro-rated permit pricing weekly. Weekly pricing is calculated for Monday-Friday. Both daily and weekly pricing has a set fee structure implemented at the beginning of each new permit year.
- Only permanent UNC-Chapel Hill and UNC Health Care employees are eligible for payroll deduction. Temporary employees are not eligible for payroll deduction. Permanent employee’s payroll deductions are pre-tax unless the employee elects otherwise during permit registration. Contract departments must purchase parking allocation prior to beginning of permit year.
- Contract Departments must purchase the department’s permit allocation prior to the beginning of the permit year, or the contract employee is responsible for payment at time of issuance.
Please see online options for customer service:
- Parking and Transit Assistance: parking@unc.edu
- Billing and Payment Assistance: tandpbilling@unc.edu
- Parking Maintenance and Repair Assistance
- Hospital Parking Assistance and Information: emppark@unchealth.unc.edu
- Online Services (account management)
- Mobile app for daily/hourly parking options
- What is a virtual permit and how does it work?
- A virtual permit means that no physical permit/hang tag is required. Instead, your license plate is registered in the system and serves as your credential. License plate recognition (LPR) technology scans your plate to verify that you are credentialed to park in the lot. Vehicles must park with license plate visible from the travel lane of the space.
- Why can’t I back in or pull-through park?
- You must have a valid front license plate to back in or pull-through park. Otherwise, back-in or pull through parking is not allowed. LPR technology must be able to read your plate from the travel lane of the parking space to verify your registered plate.
- Do I still use my UNC One Card for gate access?
- Yes, for gated access lots, UNC One Card will continue to be used.
- When will I receive my permit?
- Parking permits are virtual, so there is no physical permit. Instead, your license plate is your permit. Once you have registered your license plate in your Online Services account and purchased a permit, you have parking privileges.
- What if I drive multiple vehicles or get a new license plate?
- You can register multiple and update vehicle license plates online. Only one vehicle can be on campus at a time associated with the permit. Any license plate registered to your account is your responsibility when parking on campus.
- If I register more than one vehicle, does that mean I can park all of them on campus?
- No, you may only park one vehicle on campus at one time with that paid virtual permit. Individuals who park more than one vehicle on campus at the same time must purchase a paid parking permit or session for the additional vehicle(s).
- Can my department pay for my employee parking permit?
- No, a department cannot pay for an employee’s parking permit based on the University’s policy on unauthorized purchases.