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Infographic visually depicting the time and days weeknight parking will be in effect.Weeknight parking will be in effect Monday evenings through Friday mornings from 5 p.m. – 7:30 a.m. Weekend hours are 5 p.m. Friday until 7:30 a.m. Monday and parking will remain available without a permit. Events may impact lot availability; rollover lots will be provided.

Implementing weeknight parking limits the increases to daytime parking permits and patient/visitor rates. The parking system at UNC-Chapel Hill is receipt-supported. Funds from parking permits pay for the operation and maintenance of the parking system, including lots and decks, and support fare-free local and regional transit.

The weeknight parking program is a component of Transportation and Parking’s Five-Year Plan as a funding strategy for the system.

For additional questions, contact our office.

  • Student fees cover the $6 annual weeknight parking (excludes first-year undergraduate students who are not eligible to park on campus)
  • UNC-Chapel Hill daytime permits honored; no additional fee or action required
  • Students without a UNC-Chapel Hill daytime permit must register their license plate online for access to weeknight parking (no additional cost at registration, first-year undergraduate students are not eligible).
  • Students are required to provide vehicle license plate and proof of insurance when registering for weeknight parking
  • UNC-Chapel Hill daytime permits honored; no additional fee or action required
  • Daytime employee without a daytime permit
    • $25 annual weeknight parking permit (request through department parking coordinator)
    • $1 one-night temporary pass available in designated lots across campus
  • Commuter Alternative Program (CAP) members eligible for 20 free weeknight passes per semester
  • Employees whose work hours are between 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. may purchase a weeknight parking permit through their Department Parking Coordinator at a $200 flat fee.
  • UNC-Chapel Hill daytime permits honored; no additional fee or action required
  • Daytime postdocs without a daytime permit
    • $25 annual weeknight parking permit (request through department parking coordinator)
    • $1 one-night temporary pass available in designated lots across campus
  • Commuter Alternative Program (CAP) members eligible for 20 free weeknight passes per semester
  • Postdocs whose work hours are between 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. may purchase a weeknight parking permit through their Department Parking Coordinator at a $200 flat fee.

Parking on campus between 5 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday requires a permit.

  • Carolina Ready provides campus information and resources, such as the Carolina Ready Safety App.
  • Point-to-Point provides intra-campus transit options, including the P2P Express Shuttle and After-Dark on demand services.
  • Chapel Hill Transit provides local public transportation services to Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and University of North Carolina communities.
  • Safe Ride, operated by Chapel Hill Transit, provides increased transportation during late-night hours of Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays when the University is in session.
  • UNC-Chapel Hill will continue to host events on campus
  • Lots on campus may be reserved to allow departments to host events
  • Available lots for permitted weeknight parking will be identified
How do students get a weeknight parking pass?
  • All undergraduate students (excluding first-year undergraduates) and graduate/professional students pay an annual $6 fee in 2019-2020 and are automatically eligible for weeknight parking.
  • Students may go online to register for a weeknight permit (proof of insurance and license plate required).
  • Students who already have a parking pass do not need to take any further action.
If I’m a student who already has a parking pass, do I need to get a weeknight parking pass too?
Students with daytime permits do not need to take any further action. Daytime permits are honored during weeknights.
How do employees get a weeknight parking pass?
  • Employees whose work schedule is between 5 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. (Monday evening through Friday morning) may purchase a weeknight parking permit through their Department Parking Coordinator at a $200 flat fee.
  • Employees who commute to campus via alternative methods (bus, vanpool, carpool, bike, walk) between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. and who do not purchase a daytime permit but return frequently to campus at night may purchase an annual $25 weeknight permit. Daytime Commuter Alternative Program (CAP) members are eligible for 20 free weeknight passes per semester.
  • Employee daytime permits are honored during weeknights; no additional action or fee will be required.
If I’m a staff member who already has a parking pass, do I need to get a weeknight parking pass too?
Staff members with daytime permits do not need to take any further action. Daytime permits are honored during weeknights.
How do visitors park on campus on weeknights?
  • $1 one-night temporary passes are available at most lots throughout campus.
  • Metered/Hourly parking available ($1.75/hour north and mid campus; $1.50/hour south campus).
  • See the weeknight parking map for more details.
For weeknight parking, can I park in spaces that are reserved from 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.?
  • Yes. Please check signs for reserved space hours. Weeknight parking is available in reserved spaces with posted hours ending after 5 p.m.
  • Fire lanes are never available for parking and must remain open to ensure public safety and access for emergency response.
  • See weeknight parking map for more details.
 Is my weeknight parking permit valid in metered spaces?
No, meters are not permitted spaces. A meter must be activated for daytime and weeknight parking.
Where can I park with a weeknight parking permit?
  • Daytime and weeknight parking permits will be honored in most lots throughout campus (including reserved spaces with a posted end time of 5 p.m.).
  • See the weeknight parking map for more details.
What are other nighttime travel options for campus?
Parking is just one of the options for nighttime campus access. The University offers several nighttime travel services including:

How can I be safe while parking and walking on campus at night?
  • A pedestrian-friendly lighted corridor is located through the center of campus. Emergency phones and call boxes are located throughout campus.
  • SafeWalk, a Student Government initiative to increase nighttime safety for students and employees, offers free walks Sunday through Thursday from 11 p.m. until 3 a.m.
  • Carolina Ready Safety App is a safety mobile app that provides discreet two-way communications with public safety officials and allows family and friends to virtually watch a user walk from one location to another.

Learn more about these programs and other safety initiatives on campus at Carolina Ready.

Who do I contact if I have concerns about Weeknight Parking?
For more information, you can visit the web page or email.