Skipper Bowles Drive
Purpose of Improvements
This route has potential to provide an internal north-south route between athletic facilities and the academic campus. Improvements to the section between Kenan Drive and Manning Drive are a critical link to the East Kenan Route.
Existing Conditions
- There are no existing bicycle accommodations.
- There are 6- to 10-foot sidewalks on both sides north of Kenan Drive.
- There are 6- to 16-foot sidewalks on the south side of road south of Kenan Drive.
- The steep grade is a significant barrier for northbound bicyclists.
- The roadway is maintained by UNC-CH.
Short-Term Recommendation
Shared Lane Markings
Add shared lane markings in the center of the outside lanes with a single BICYCLES MAY USE FULL LANE signs.
Primary Implementation Challenges: none
Probable Construction Cost: $9,650
Long-Term Recommendation
Shared Use Path
As part of a roadway reconstruction or through redevelopment of adjacent properties, replace existing sidewalks with 14-20 foot wide shared use paths on the west and south side of the roadway. Wider paths are recommended along Dean Smith Center.
Primary Implementation Challenges: May require relocation or construction of retaining walls, as well as existing stormwater treatment facilities.
Probable Construction Cost: $688,550